Discover practical strategies for achieving balance in your hectic world.

= Editor’s pick
Reading Time: All links are a 1-2 minute read unless otherwise indicated
- How to Cope With Work Stress
- 10 Ways to Manage Anxiety
Physician Burnout:
- Part 1: Physician Burnout: Its Origin, Symptoms, and Five Main Causes (10 minutes)
- Part 2: Eight Ways to Lower Practice Stress and Get Home Sooner (10 minutes)
- Part 3: Four Tools for Reducing Burnout by Finding Work-Life Balance (10 minutes)
American Medical Association’s STEPS Forward® Wellness-Centered Leadership Playbook (Note “Strategy 3: Prioritize Clinician Well-Being”)
- The Resilience Meter – Resilience Warning Signs
- Professional Quality of Life Scale for Health Workers (US resource)
- “Finding a Different Path: Lessons Learned From a Leave of Absence” (60 minutes, Dr. Daisy Dulay)
“The 3 Secrets of Resilient People” (24 minutes, Dr. Lucy Hone)
- American Conference on Physician Health
- Canadian Conference on Physician Health
- International Conference on Physician Health
- BC Physician Health Program
- CMA Physician Wellness Hub
- CMPA Physician Support and Wellness
- Community Physician Health & Safety Program by SWITCH BC
Need Immediate Assistance?
- BC Physician Health Program 24/7 confidential support line for physicians, residents, medical students and their families: 1-800-663-6729 Website link here
- Suicide Crisis Helpline, a safe space to talk, 24 hours a day, every day of the year: Call or Text 9-8-8 Website link here
- Hope for Wellness Helpline available to all Indigenous Peoples across Canada who need immediate crisis intervention: 1-855-242-3310 Website link here
Reading Time: All links are a 1-2 read unless otherwise indicated
= Editor’s Pick
Reading Time: All links are a 1-2 minute read unless otherwise indicated
- Civility Matters – The Facts
- Every Hospital Worker’s Civility Bill of Rights
- Encouraged Golden Rules
“The Power of Kindness” (2 minutes, Simon Sinek)
“When Rudeness in Teams Turns Deadly” (15 minutes, Dr. Chris Turner)
- – A website that focuses on promoting respectful and effective communication, conflict resolution, and building stronger relationships through civility.
= Editor’s pick
Reading Time: All links are a 1-2 minute read unless otherwise indicated
- The Language of Social Justice
- Equity vs Equality
- Cognitive Biases
- Respectful Communication with Indigenous Peoples
“All That We Share” (3 minutes, Denmark)
- “There’s Only One Race” (4 minutes, Jane Elliott)
- San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training Program (Canadian-focused anti-racism training program)