Ensuring you have the key ingredients to make your work a recipe for success.

Security / Logging In / Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
To register for off-site digital access, you first need to download, install, and register the Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) app (10-20 minute process). You can do this either at your site from an IH computer (click here) or off-site with your Smart Phone (click here). This step is the big one and now replaces the old “Legacy Two Factor Authentication” that IH previously used.
New Smart Phone or changed devices? Click here to transfer MFA to your new device.
Need one big info document? Click here.
Accessing Meditech Off-Site:
You can log into Meditech Web Expanse from anywhere, as long as you have Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), using ace.interiorhealth.ca. You may need to use your IH desktop login information during one of the steps.
You will not be able to see imaging studies (only the reports) from this application and some of the external links will not function, but it gives you most of the basic functionality and access to documentation. To access the “full” Meditech, you will have to use the IH Anywhere portal (see below).
Accessing IH Email Off-Site:
You can log into your IH Email from anywhere, as long as you have Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), using outlook.office.com. You may need to use your IH desktop login information during one of the steps.
Accessing the IH Anywhere Portal:
This portal should give you access to the entire IH desktop that you would normally see when on site, including the Physician Invoicing Portal. It is a little bulkier and slower to use, but more comprehensive. It is accessible using your MFA from IHAnywhere.interiorhealth.ca.
There are 2 main options for getting your progress or consultation note, operative report, H&P, or discharge summary (etc.) into the Meditech EHR: direct entry with electronic documentation, or indirect entry through transcription/dictation services.
Electronic Web Provider documentation (sometimes referred to as “pDOC” in our region)
Unfortunately, pDOC is not automatically activated on physicians’ Meditech accounts. Physicians must complete a form to request this functionality. Click here for the form and email it to the address on the bottom of the form. Electronic documentation is automatically activated for all UBC Medical Students and Residents as of 2024.
- Once you have electronic documentation activated on your Meditech account, you can create a document from the “Document” tab at the top of the screen.
- You can either type directly into the document, or use voice recognition software. FLUENCY/MD MODAL is the voice recognition software that IH uses and this should be installed on every computer station within your facility. This application must be opened separately in the background. There is training available through IH Digital Services for FLUENCY/MD MODAL. The intro session is about 20 minutes and this can be set up by emailing servicedesk@interiorhealth.ca.
Transcription services in the dictation system
This is the “old fashioned” way, and can be done using the telephone system from either within an IH Facility from any IH Cisco phone using #90, or from outside the facility by calling 1-877-369-8598. Your “user ID” is your MSP number.
Click here for dictation site IDs
Dictation/Transcription Platform Upgrade January 2025: read the memo here.
Dictating your Department Meeting minutes
To dictate your department’s meeting minutes, use the “old fashioned” transcription service via the telephone and enter “work type” 93. Your user ID is your MSP number. Use a random number as the “patient”.
LOCAL SITE PAGES – sign in to Interior Health required:
- Kelowna General Hospital – KGH Physicians Society
- Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital – Kootenay Boundary Physicians Association
- Penticton Regional Hospital – Penticton Medical Staff Association
- Royal Inland & Hillside Hospital (Kamloops) – RIH Physician Association
- Vernon Jubilee Hospital – VJH Physician Society
- 100 Mile House – OMH FEI
Under construction – check back soon!