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An exhaustive menu of all of our possible learning opportunities would have been, well, exhausting. This is a sampling of some more commonly used resources by BC physicians, similar to your standard chocolate, strawberry and caramel toppings. The exotic fruit didn’t make the list. If you have an idea for a link to include, please contact us.
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Local Hospital and Division CME Events

A taste of CMEs from all over the province. If you have an upcoming local CME event you would like physicians to know about, you can easily submit it to us.  Click on “View CME Events” and then look for the “Post a CME Event” button at the bottom.  You’ll need to be registered and logged in first to access the event form.
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University of British Columbia (UBC) – Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

An academic unit within the Faculty of Medicine at UBC dedicated to advancing CPD through the design, delivery, accreditation, evaluation and research of lifelong learning opportunities for health care professionals.
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International, National, and British Columbia

eMedEvents – The Global Marketplace for CME/CE
A well-done and professional site with a good search function listing both in-person conferences and on-line courses. This well-curated site also allows you to search for conferences by country if you are looking for a working vacation. “Wilderness medicine” in Marseille anyone?!
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Physician Waffle House | Medical Staff Community Canada | icon
Physician Waffle House Medical Community Okanagan Line Separator